

About Us


Our Mission is to have the very best prepared trails in Mainland Nova Scotia.  Although snow in recent years has been challenging, when we receive it, we groom it and have a great reputation for having some of the best trails. When we can’t groom, we continue to plan events to have something for our members to enjoy.


Trail pass revenue only contributes 60% towards the cost of grooming and maintaining the trails. The club expenses, such as heat, light, maintenance, snow removal, insurance, and all the other incidentals come from members and their fund-raising efforts. The canteen returns nothing to the bottom line, and gas, although it seems expensive, generates very little.


SLTGA grooming hours continue to be at the top of the list for all clubs in Nova Scotia. Trail work and bridge building go on throughout the year. Bush cutting and trail maintenance are done by the members and all usually at no charge to the club.


Our club has many great aspects. The new warming hut has been a big success and will continue to be. Our anchor fundraiser, Chase the Ace, continues to be strong, as well as, Winterfest, the many rallies, and more events throughout the year. All of these things make Sutherland’s a great place to visit and snowmobile from, and hopefully are some of the reasons we carry on long into the future.


Bottom line is the $50.00 we require for membership is a deal. This is a family membership for all in a household. We want and desire new members to grow and move ahead. To become part of our club please go to the Contact section of this website. Lastly, without the efforts of our people we wouldn’t be here. Look for your name on the list on your next visit.

Est. 1996 | Learn About Our History Here
SLTGA logo

SLTGA Membership & Advertising

Ches Walsh
cheswalsh902@gmail.com or 902-664-7600
Gordon Ryan
gryan.maritimecarwash@gmail.com or 902-456-3727

Visit Our Facebook Page For The Latest News


Permits are mandatory for anyone traveling on designated trails maintained by the Snowmobile Association of Nova Scotia (SANS). The SANS Trail Permit decal must be affixed on the left-hand side of the hood of your snowmobile or the permit is invalid and the driver may be liable for penalties.  SANS Trail Permits are government legislated, and as with vehicle registration, must be displayed as indicated, or as with a vehicle offense, the driver can be fined.

Early Bird

Before Dec. 15

Ches Walsh
cheswalsh902@gmail.com or 902-664-7600
Gordon Ryan
gryan.maritimecarwash@gmail.com or 902-456-3727

After Dec. 15

Full season and 3-day trail permits are available ONLINE from the Snowmobile Association of Nova Scotia (SANS)

Purchase Your Permit Here

SLTGA is a proud member of

Trail Status

To view trail statuses across the province visit…
  • Download the “GoSnowmobiling SANS” on your mobile device

Sponsors - Thank You!

Our club depends on the support of these businesses; please support them whenever you can and be sure to let them know how much you appreciate their support of SLTGA. Anyone interested in advertising with us can contact Ches Walsh (cheswalsh902@gmail.com or 902-664-7600) or Gordon Ryan
(gryan.maritimecarwash@gmail.com or 902-456-3727).

Click Here to View Our Fantastic Sponsors


Our Executive



Gordon Ryan (gryan.maritimecarwash@gmail.com  or 902-456-3727)

VICE-PRESIDENT: Jeff Given, 902-877-8900

SECRETARY: Karen Ruggles


How to Find Us

Sutherlands Lake Trail Groomers Association
120 Northend Road
Sutherland’s Lake NS

Traveling West on the 104 from Truro take Exit # 10. Turn right after 400 yards and take first left to Londonderry.  Travel 6.2 km and you will go down a hill with a ball field on the left and a white church on the right. Road sign Sutherland’s Lake. Turn right and travel another 8.9 km to the road on the right, sign says North End Road. Got straight up the hill and you are at the Sutherland’s Lake Clubhouse.

Traveling East from Amherst: Take Exit 8 off 104 Cobequid Pass and turn right at the end of the ramp. Travel on Wentworth Collingwood Road Approx 3 km. Turn Left onto Westchester / Sutherland’s Lake Road and travel approx. 10 km. Turn left onto Northend Road and approx. 1 km Clubhouse will be on the right.